Get to know main routes in Pisco-producing regions across Peru

Pisco is, par excellence, the progenitor of Chilcano —the star of the Peru cocktail scene that becomes more and more popular lately.

Below is an overview of the main Pisco Routes —marked by Pisco-producing regions— in regard to the celebration of the Chilcano Week.

The national drink’s name comes from a port and valley called Pisco, a city in southern Peru from which this distillate was shipped to be sent for the first time to Spain in the sixteenth century.

Pisco also evokes the great diversity of birds from the south, including Andean flamingos, Peruvian thick-knees, Inca terns and condors, because it alludes to the Quechua word Pisscu, which means ‘bird.’



This spirit is a grape distillate whose inimitable flavor and fragrance unites the European vine and the sunshine of Peru’s southern coast with the wisdom of ancient potters who created the jars in which this exquisite grape brandy is stored.

Pisco grapes

Good Pisco is distinguished from any other distillate by the use of the pisquera grape.

All Pisco grapes are varieties of the Vitis Vinifera species, which were suited to the Peruvian soil type. They are classified in two groups: i) Non-Aromatic: Quebranta, Mollar, Negra Criolla, and Uvina; ii) Aromatic: Italia, Moscatel, Torontel, and Albilla.

Ica, Moquegua and Arequipa —Pisco-producing regions— have their own Pisco Routes.



Ica is the region with the highest production of Pisco in Peru, as it is blessed with exceptional weather and soil conditions.

The most popular Pisco cellars on this route include El Catador and Lazo.


Moquegua is a privileged Pisco-making region. Sun, soil, and water come together resulting in aromatic fruits. The old vineyards are located in the countryside of Moquegua valleys.

The most popular cellars on this route include Paredes, Rayito de Sol, Biondi, Zapata, Los Camilos, El Mocho, as well as the vineyard Parras y Reyes.


Arequipa accounts for about 10% of national Pisco production, that is, almost one million liters per year. Different varieties of authorized Pisco grapes are grown here, but without doubt, the ones that have taken root are the Negra Criolla and Moscatel varieties.

The best-known cellars and Pisco brands in Majes Valley are Toran, Toro Muerto, Pitis, Reinoso, Majes Tradición, La Barrera, Estremadoyro, and Tinaja de Oro.

Also of note are the brands Vitor, Hacienda del Abuelo, Paz Soldan, Postigo (in Vitor Valley), Torres de la Gala (in Joya Valley), and Costumbres (in Siguas Valley).

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